2011 Status Updates
· Raced a train to the intersection just so the girls watch it pass... they were SO excited. It's the little things that make them happy... that make me happy. :)
· Unpacked my "Little People" playsets from when I was little. The girls played with them for hours. Later, JJ comes out and hugs me and says, "That was the best surprise, EVER." :)
· Big A just took a marker to the sectional... and got every section.
· Random fun, I painted J&A's faces like Tigers. That was pretty easy. Then, my husband decides it would be funny to suggest things like "Dolphin Face" or "Wildebeast Face"... how in the world am I supposed to paint a wildebeast?? And a Dolphin Face? She'll just end up looking like a Smurf. Guaranteed. :/
· Big A got a huge splinter in her thumb. I got most of it out, but it just happens to be the one she sucks.self-soothes with. Everytime she goes for it... she cries, which makes her want to suck her thumb even more. Sad... but funny, too :( (1/24/11)
· Sometimes we need a friend who will listen, and not try to fix. I have a hard time restraining the "make-it-all-better" instinct because I honestly want to make it all better. I trust He has a plan, I just wish He'd let me in on it :)
· Everytime I find out a friend is pregnant, I get emotional (crazy-lady, I know). All I think about is how I felt when I had my girls, how I feel when they squeezy-hug me, and how I'll feel when they have kids of their own. Miracle of Life is SO underrated, especially when we forget the "blessing" and just dwell in the "work" of motherhood, (myself included).
· Heartmelt. Had to make a call, locked myself in the bathroom, while the girls banged on the door & screamed at me. After I hung up, I notice no one is screaming. JJ was playing Flash Cards with Big A helping her learn new words. But of course, no good deed goes unpunished...
... Little A got a hold of the Cheerios bag and set them free. I asked JJ if Little A spilled them all, and she says, "No, she was just getting some Cheerios for herself, like a Big Girl" :)
· "Crappy Birthday" to my Little A! :) She had her blood drawn, but luckily the tech was able to get the vein on the first try! If he had to poke around, I probably would have lost it. Thank you for ALL the prayers!
· Husband drove the MommaVan to work... $10 bucks says he has Cheerios stuck to his flightsuit or picks up the aroma of eau de juice box. ;)
· Practicing Big A's Potty Training again. She went to the potty and pooped, but forgot to take down her underwear... SO close... :/
· Went on an AWESOME date with my Husband while my Sister Marlene Davenport changed diapers, washed explosive poop off the baby, fed the girls dinner, helped them make cookies and create valentines, refilled sippy cups all night, just so I could relax with my Favorite Valentine for a few hours... (and she doesn't even have kids yet) Thank God for Sisters :)
· Snacking on cheese with the girls, and J asks, "Is cheese good for you?" I said, "Yes, it has Calcium", confused she asks, "Cow-See-Um? Cows see WHAT??"
· Who knew I would be SO genuinely happy sweeping an entire floor covered in Rice Chex Cereal since I got to lay down for 30min. while they stomped it into beach sand. :) I've never been so thrilled to clean up a mess like that!
· I spent all Wednesday paralyzed in bed from stomach-bug body aches/fever. As soon as my husband came home he drove me to Immediate Care, waited an hour with the girls in the van, let me go straight to bed while he fed them dinner, gave baths, fed the baby, and put them all to bed. This morning... (2/17/11)
...the girls let me sleep in until 9:30am. I could hear Little A cooing and laughing to herself in the crib, and I heard JJ reading Big A stories just outside my door. Finally, they came in and JJ went straight to Little A and played with her, while Big A came in and hugged me asking, "You sweep good?" :) Thank God for my Amazing Husband and sweet girls. The bug is gone and I'm going to play Candy Land as many times as they want :)
· Cleaned the entire garage, my husband will be so proud. But while cleaning, I lost Big A. She was next door helping our neighbor prune her garden... and by that I mean, stomping every living plant into the ground. :/
· Tried on my dress for Husband's Graduation, then JJ changes into a dress from her closet... she said, "I wanted to be pretty like you" Heartmelt! Husband's know how to make you feel "attractive", but only children know how to make you feel BEAUTIFUL! ♥
· Had a great dinner with a great friend... and get this... she's NOT a mom! I forgot what it was like to talk about stuff OTHER than "The Poopie Diaries". Still love my Momma-Friends, but it's nice to have someone remind me of my "former life" :)
Marlene Davenport Does this mean you and I will be making a trip back to Club La Vela anytime soon? ;) Love you Nini!
Me: No. stinkin. way. I don't think any one wants to see that. Plus, I don't think they're ready for this jelly. And by jelly, I really mean jelly. I have some on my shirt from making J a sandwich.
· Naptime is slowly disappearing... but I made them take one today because we've got dinner plans, and I'm not taking them out in public like a bunch of rabid monkeys... unfortunately, they'll probably still act the same, either way. :P
· JJ played "school" with Big A and taught her all the songs she learned from her own Teacher. She held up the "lyrics sheet" and pretended to read from it as she sang, "Heart, heart, givin' ma' heart" They've definitely picked up that Carolina Twang :)
· After a week of leaving the craft supplies out for the girls to play anytime, I finally packed them up. JJ walks by, does a doubletake, and says "Oh. My. Goodness. IT'S A TABLE!" :P
· JJ missed MOPS bc she's still congested. She said, "Maybe my friends prayed for me". We've been saying prayers for everyone that's been sick, I guess she expects it in return :)
· Girls are outside following a snail... wish he were here earlier when they were running me ragged with, "I want milk, what's for breakfast, I need a blanket, Big A's not sharing, I need more milk" and I barely had a chance to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed! Thanks Mr. Snail :)
· JJ painted with watercolors, left her rinse cup on the table... next thing I know, Autumn's drinking it like Kool-Aid, leaving a rainbow of colors around her mouth. :P
· No matter how hard the day has been (and today was a HARD one), I can look back and realize how lucky I am to have had this day at all.
· Little A's Cardio Appt: She has a valve that does not open as much as a normal valve does, and she has to wear a 24-hr. heart-monitor strapped to her tiny body. So far, it's not bothering her, but we'll see how nap/bedtime goes! (3/30/11)
· While out with the girls all morning, I had at least three people say, "You've got your hands full!" Then, I watched them playing and being silly together, and realized, "My hands may be full, but so is my heart." An "easier life" would be lacking. :)
· It's pretty bad when you can sit in the sanctuary and still hear your toddler squealing from the nursery... she wasn't upset, she just likes to scream. :/
· I'm so not a "city-girl". I absolutely LOVE the sound of the crickets and trees blowing at night. Next to hearing my little girls laugh, it's the BEST sound in the world :)
· Husband is out for the night, and since the girls can live off crackers and cheese, I'm not going to cook a meal! Going to splurge and pig-out on junky fast food while we still have a paycheck ;)
· Not in the mood to drive JJ to Dance Class while "Dink and Dunk" go nuts waiting for her. Every Monday, it's the longest 45min. of my life... :P
· I refuse to call them "Spring Spheres" just as I will never decorate a "Holiday Tree"... It's like getting to have a Birthday Party but refusing to believe you were born... Christmas and Easter would not even exist with out Him.
· Today, we join 69% of America and increase our debt by a couple hundred thousand... no big deal... ;) Will post photos later! (4/14/11)
· Hoping to get the rental home clean so we can finally be done with it! I'm definitely putting the girls to work, might even attach a Swiffer sheet to Allie's belly ;)
· Of course I have hard days when the kids are like molasses, slow to listen and always stuck to me... but today, every little thing they do is making me smile. I wish everyone knew this feeling...
· Having three kids is hard, because you're never alone... and having three kids is great, because you're never alone. :)
· Farm was fun, but I was so afraid of the germs! JJ rubbed her eye after touching the animals but at least Big A didn't lick any of them... :P (5/10/11)
· JJ and Big A were stacking markers, and Big A's kept falling over. JJ says, "She's having a hard time with her project... but not me... I'm perfect." ...Oh, that girl... what am I going to do with you???
· Soccer Game this morning! Lets hope JJ passes the ball... she plays like it's "1 vs. 7"
· Had an appt. this morning, so Husband dropped JJ off at school... literally. He dropped her like a hot potato on the sidewalk and didn't even escort her to the classroom... His defense, "How was I supposed to know?" Umm... MAYBE BC EVERY OTHER KID WAS WALKED IN?!?! Daddy Doofus strikes again...
· Bringing Cupcakes for JJ's "Un-Birthday" Party... she's the only kid in class with a summer birthdate, so her teacher is letting us celebrate before the end of the year :) Now, if I only she'd understand she's not really 5, yet...
· Worst Mom Ever. I forgot to put J's ballet shoes on for her Recital Dance, she wore her silver flats and they shined in those bright lights! I feel SO bad. She noticed, and you could tell she was thinking about her shoes instead of the dance :(
· Looks like my husband will be the ONLY man in this house... We welcome Baby GIRL #4 in November!! I'll be sure to send all your condolences to him ;)
· The girls have been so adorable today, it makes me thrilled to know we're getting another :) Slept in till 8am, spent the morning in the pool, ate lunch on the deck, naptime soon, and Soccer Awards at the Fun Center tonight :) Perfect Day!!
· Apparently, it's Backwards Day... kids swam in the pool this morning when it was too cold, and took a walk in the afternoon when it was too hot. Guess I'll be making Pancakes for dinner, too :P (6/6/2011)
· Is it my fault that my 4 year old argues, or are some kids just that way. It's frustrating when you see kids who listen with out question, and kids who don't. How much of it is parenting, and how much is it just the nature of the child? Oh, Motherhood, you've beat me again...
· Sooo... I'm assuming I need a staple gun to do this upholstery... apparently the office stapler is not very efficient. Go ahead and laugh... it's my first upholstery job :P At least I got the fabric for under $20!
· Corndogs and Lemonade taste so much better in Summer... that was our treat for making it on time for Church with out Daddy here to help. Even managed to brush everyone's hair... not sure about everyone's teeth... :P
· Feel like going to Raleigh just for a Hungry Howies pizza... it's what we ate when we were dating, pretty much our staple our first year of marriage, and the only thing I craved when I was pregnant... lots of memories in just one pizza :)
· Little A can push herself up from all-fours to a stand! That's one small step for baby-kind, but one GIANT leap for Little A ;)
· For a few months now, anytime I cook, instead of asking, "Is it ready?" JJ asks, "Did you burn it?" Seeing as how I burned her waffles this morning, and the pizza this evening... I'd say she has a valid response to my cooking abilities. :P
· So much time is spent building relationships, but once they're established, they tend to be the ones most neglected. Friends are treated better than spouses, strangers are talked to nicer than our own children, acquaintances are called more often than our parents. Guilty of it all and praying for forgiveness.
· One of those days where I've let the kids pull every toy out of the closet/bins, build a campground in the living room, eat cookies for breakfast, and wear swim suits even though they're not swimming. Daddy's flying late, had to make this day FUN since I know it will be L-O-N-G...
· Best Family Day Ever. Watched the fireworks at SJAFB, feared the A-Twins would cry. Little A didn't care, Big A hid under daddy's arm but was in love with them by the finale. Pics tomorrow :)
· Going to "Eat Mor (free) Chikn" :) (dressed up like Cows)
· Nothing like picking blueberries in the rain... the girls had so much fun, and I get to make pesticide-free muffins :)
· Thinking of my two dear friends today, praying for one's joy and another's sorrows. I love you both.
· I love when my husband hugs me goodbye in the morning, and his afteshave stays with me all day... much better than the lingering smell of poop I usually get :P (baby poop, not Husband poop, LOL! Little A usually has a blowout in the morning)
· Husband is putting together the swingset, and the girls are in charge of bringing him Kool-Aid all day :)
· While filling out important papers, like oh, say... a WILL... my husband misspelled 2 out of 3 of his childrens' names... his defense, "There's too many of them" :)
· Partied with a teething Little A last night, woke up around 10:30am to find that JJ and Big A made pancakes and spilled syrup all over the couch, then made mud castles outside and brought some inside, washed themselves in the bathrooom sink spilling water everywhere, I feel like I'm living the book, "If you give a Pig a Pancake", and that was just what I found downstairs.
· I let the girls pick out a movie to watch... and they chose our Wedding DVD?? As strange as it was, it's kind of sweet to hear the girls say, "Mommy's so beautiful" And 6 years later, I can think of three things more beautiful... it started with a kiss and ended up like this... ♥
· Somedays I feel I'm living the old riddle about the "Fox, Chicken, & Grain". I'm taking JJ bowling and I'd hate to leave the A-Twins together, that's like putting the fox with the chicken. :P
· 5 months down, 10lbs. up, 15 weeks to go, and only 1 month till he's gone...
· Made it to FL in 11hrs., 4 stops, 3 Diaper Changes, and 0 Crying... a least not from me :) Thanks Marlene Davenport for driving with us! Can't wait to see my other Sister tomorrow!!
· Happy Promotion Day to my hard-working Husband! Celebrating at the squadron with Chik-Fil-A Party Trays, YUM! We love you, and we're SO proud of you = Captain = (8/10/11)
· Raced a train to the intersection just so the girls watch it pass... they were SO excited. It's the little things that make them happy... that make me happy. :)
· Unpacked my "Little People" playsets from when I was little. The girls played with them for hours. Later, JJ comes out and hugs me and says, "That was the best surprise, EVER." :)
· Big A just took a marker to the sectional... and got every section.
· Random fun, I painted J&A's faces like Tigers. That was pretty easy. Then, my husband decides it would be funny to suggest things like "Dolphin Face" or "Wildebeast Face"... how in the world am I supposed to paint a wildebeast?? And a Dolphin Face? She'll just end up looking like a Smurf. Guaranteed. :/
· Big A got a huge splinter in her thumb. I got most of it out, but it just happens to be the one she sucks.self-soothes with. Everytime she goes for it... she cries, which makes her want to suck her thumb even more. Sad... but funny, too :( (1/24/11)
· Sometimes we need a friend who will listen, and not try to fix. I have a hard time restraining the "make-it-all-better" instinct because I honestly want to make it all better. I trust He has a plan, I just wish He'd let me in on it :)
· Everytime I find out a friend is pregnant, I get emotional (crazy-lady, I know). All I think about is how I felt when I had my girls, how I feel when they squeezy-hug me, and how I'll feel when they have kids of their own. Miracle of Life is SO underrated, especially when we forget the "blessing" and just dwell in the "work" of motherhood, (myself included).
· Heartmelt. Had to make a call, locked myself in the bathroom, while the girls banged on the door & screamed at me. After I hung up, I notice no one is screaming. JJ was playing Flash Cards with Big A helping her learn new words. But of course, no good deed goes unpunished...
... Little A got a hold of the Cheerios bag and set them free. I asked JJ if Little A spilled them all, and she says, "No, she was just getting some Cheerios for herself, like a Big Girl" :)
· "Crappy Birthday" to my Little A! :) She had her blood drawn, but luckily the tech was able to get the vein on the first try! If he had to poke around, I probably would have lost it. Thank you for ALL the prayers!
· Husband drove the MommaVan to work... $10 bucks says he has Cheerios stuck to his flightsuit or picks up the aroma of eau de juice box. ;)
· Practicing Big A's Potty Training again. She went to the potty and pooped, but forgot to take down her underwear... SO close... :/
· Went on an AWESOME date with my Husband while my Sister Marlene Davenport changed diapers, washed explosive poop off the baby, fed the girls dinner, helped them make cookies and create valentines, refilled sippy cups all night, just so I could relax with my Favorite Valentine for a few hours... (and she doesn't even have kids yet) Thank God for Sisters :)
· Snacking on cheese with the girls, and J asks, "Is cheese good for you?" I said, "Yes, it has Calcium", confused she asks, "Cow-See-Um? Cows see WHAT??"
· Who knew I would be SO genuinely happy sweeping an entire floor covered in Rice Chex Cereal since I got to lay down for 30min. while they stomped it into beach sand. :) I've never been so thrilled to clean up a mess like that!
· I spent all Wednesday paralyzed in bed from stomach-bug body aches/fever. As soon as my husband came home he drove me to Immediate Care, waited an hour with the girls in the van, let me go straight to bed while he fed them dinner, gave baths, fed the baby, and put them all to bed. This morning... (2/17/11)
...the girls let me sleep in until 9:30am. I could hear Little A cooing and laughing to herself in the crib, and I heard JJ reading Big A stories just outside my door. Finally, they came in and JJ went straight to Little A and played with her, while Big A came in and hugged me asking, "You sweep good?" :) Thank God for my Amazing Husband and sweet girls. The bug is gone and I'm going to play Candy Land as many times as they want :)
· Cleaned the entire garage, my husband will be so proud. But while cleaning, I lost Big A. She was next door helping our neighbor prune her garden... and by that I mean, stomping every living plant into the ground. :/
· Tried on my dress for Husband's Graduation, then JJ changes into a dress from her closet... she said, "I wanted to be pretty like you" Heartmelt! Husband's know how to make you feel "attractive", but only children know how to make you feel BEAUTIFUL! ♥
· Had a great dinner with a great friend... and get this... she's NOT a mom! I forgot what it was like to talk about stuff OTHER than "The Poopie Diaries". Still love my Momma-Friends, but it's nice to have someone remind me of my "former life" :)
Marlene Davenport Does this mean you and I will be making a trip back to Club La Vela anytime soon? ;) Love you Nini!
Me: No. stinkin. way. I don't think any one wants to see that. Plus, I don't think they're ready for this jelly. And by jelly, I really mean jelly. I have some on my shirt from making J a sandwich.
· Naptime is slowly disappearing... but I made them take one today because we've got dinner plans, and I'm not taking them out in public like a bunch of rabid monkeys... unfortunately, they'll probably still act the same, either way. :P
· JJ played "school" with Big A and taught her all the songs she learned from her own Teacher. She held up the "lyrics sheet" and pretended to read from it as she sang, "Heart, heart, givin' ma' heart" They've definitely picked up that Carolina Twang :)
· After a week of leaving the craft supplies out for the girls to play anytime, I finally packed them up. JJ walks by, does a doubletake, and says "Oh. My. Goodness. IT'S A TABLE!" :P
· JJ missed MOPS bc she's still congested. She said, "Maybe my friends prayed for me". We've been saying prayers for everyone that's been sick, I guess she expects it in return :)
· Girls are outside following a snail... wish he were here earlier when they were running me ragged with, "I want milk, what's for breakfast, I need a blanket, Big A's not sharing, I need more milk" and I barely had a chance to open my eyes, let alone get out of bed! Thanks Mr. Snail :)
· JJ painted with watercolors, left her rinse cup on the table... next thing I know, Autumn's drinking it like Kool-Aid, leaving a rainbow of colors around her mouth. :P
· No matter how hard the day has been (and today was a HARD one), I can look back and realize how lucky I am to have had this day at all.
· Little A's Cardio Appt: She has a valve that does not open as much as a normal valve does, and she has to wear a 24-hr. heart-monitor strapped to her tiny body. So far, it's not bothering her, but we'll see how nap/bedtime goes! (3/30/11)
· While out with the girls all morning, I had at least three people say, "You've got your hands full!" Then, I watched them playing and being silly together, and realized, "My hands may be full, but so is my heart." An "easier life" would be lacking. :)
· It's pretty bad when you can sit in the sanctuary and still hear your toddler squealing from the nursery... she wasn't upset, she just likes to scream. :/
· I'm so not a "city-girl". I absolutely LOVE the sound of the crickets and trees blowing at night. Next to hearing my little girls laugh, it's the BEST sound in the world :)
· Husband is out for the night, and since the girls can live off crackers and cheese, I'm not going to cook a meal! Going to splurge and pig-out on junky fast food while we still have a paycheck ;)
· Not in the mood to drive JJ to Dance Class while "Dink and Dunk" go nuts waiting for her. Every Monday, it's the longest 45min. of my life... :P
· I refuse to call them "Spring Spheres" just as I will never decorate a "Holiday Tree"... It's like getting to have a Birthday Party but refusing to believe you were born... Christmas and Easter would not even exist with out Him.
· Today, we join 69% of America and increase our debt by a couple hundred thousand... no big deal... ;) Will post photos later! (4/14/11)
· Hoping to get the rental home clean so we can finally be done with it! I'm definitely putting the girls to work, might even attach a Swiffer sheet to Allie's belly ;)
· Of course I have hard days when the kids are like molasses, slow to listen and always stuck to me... but today, every little thing they do is making me smile. I wish everyone knew this feeling...
· Having three kids is hard, because you're never alone... and having three kids is great, because you're never alone. :)
· Farm was fun, but I was so afraid of the germs! JJ rubbed her eye after touching the animals but at least Big A didn't lick any of them... :P (5/10/11)
· JJ and Big A were stacking markers, and Big A's kept falling over. JJ says, "She's having a hard time with her project... but not me... I'm perfect." ...Oh, that girl... what am I going to do with you???
· Soccer Game this morning! Lets hope JJ passes the ball... she plays like it's "1 vs. 7"
· Had an appt. this morning, so Husband dropped JJ off at school... literally. He dropped her like a hot potato on the sidewalk and didn't even escort her to the classroom... His defense, "How was I supposed to know?" Umm... MAYBE BC EVERY OTHER KID WAS WALKED IN?!?! Daddy Doofus strikes again...
· Bringing Cupcakes for JJ's "Un-Birthday" Party... she's the only kid in class with a summer birthdate, so her teacher is letting us celebrate before the end of the year :) Now, if I only she'd understand she's not really 5, yet...
· Worst Mom Ever. I forgot to put J's ballet shoes on for her Recital Dance, she wore her silver flats and they shined in those bright lights! I feel SO bad. She noticed, and you could tell she was thinking about her shoes instead of the dance :(
· Looks like my husband will be the ONLY man in this house... We welcome Baby GIRL #4 in November!! I'll be sure to send all your condolences to him ;)
· The girls have been so adorable today, it makes me thrilled to know we're getting another :) Slept in till 8am, spent the morning in the pool, ate lunch on the deck, naptime soon, and Soccer Awards at the Fun Center tonight :) Perfect Day!!
· Apparently, it's Backwards Day... kids swam in the pool this morning when it was too cold, and took a walk in the afternoon when it was too hot. Guess I'll be making Pancakes for dinner, too :P (6/6/2011)
· Is it my fault that my 4 year old argues, or are some kids just that way. It's frustrating when you see kids who listen with out question, and kids who don't. How much of it is parenting, and how much is it just the nature of the child? Oh, Motherhood, you've beat me again...
· Sooo... I'm assuming I need a staple gun to do this upholstery... apparently the office stapler is not very efficient. Go ahead and laugh... it's my first upholstery job :P At least I got the fabric for under $20!
· Corndogs and Lemonade taste so much better in Summer... that was our treat for making it on time for Church with out Daddy here to help. Even managed to brush everyone's hair... not sure about everyone's teeth... :P
· Feel like going to Raleigh just for a Hungry Howies pizza... it's what we ate when we were dating, pretty much our staple our first year of marriage, and the only thing I craved when I was pregnant... lots of memories in just one pizza :)
· Little A can push herself up from all-fours to a stand! That's one small step for baby-kind, but one GIANT leap for Little A ;)
· For a few months now, anytime I cook, instead of asking, "Is it ready?" JJ asks, "Did you burn it?" Seeing as how I burned her waffles this morning, and the pizza this evening... I'd say she has a valid response to my cooking abilities. :P
· So much time is spent building relationships, but once they're established, they tend to be the ones most neglected. Friends are treated better than spouses, strangers are talked to nicer than our own children, acquaintances are called more often than our parents. Guilty of it all and praying for forgiveness.
· One of those days where I've let the kids pull every toy out of the closet/bins, build a campground in the living room, eat cookies for breakfast, and wear swim suits even though they're not swimming. Daddy's flying late, had to make this day FUN since I know it will be L-O-N-G...
· Best Family Day Ever. Watched the fireworks at SJAFB, feared the A-Twins would cry. Little A didn't care, Big A hid under daddy's arm but was in love with them by the finale. Pics tomorrow :)
· Going to "Eat Mor (free) Chikn" :) (dressed up like Cows)
· Nothing like picking blueberries in the rain... the girls had so much fun, and I get to make pesticide-free muffins :)
· Thinking of my two dear friends today, praying for one's joy and another's sorrows. I love you both.
· I love when my husband hugs me goodbye in the morning, and his afteshave stays with me all day... much better than the lingering smell of poop I usually get :P (baby poop, not Husband poop, LOL! Little A usually has a blowout in the morning)
· Husband is putting together the swingset, and the girls are in charge of bringing him Kool-Aid all day :)
· While filling out important papers, like oh, say... a WILL... my husband misspelled 2 out of 3 of his childrens' names... his defense, "There's too many of them" :)
· Partied with a teething Little A last night, woke up around 10:30am to find that JJ and Big A made pancakes and spilled syrup all over the couch, then made mud castles outside and brought some inside, washed themselves in the bathrooom sink spilling water everywhere, I feel like I'm living the book, "If you give a Pig a Pancake", and that was just what I found downstairs.
· I let the girls pick out a movie to watch... and they chose our Wedding DVD?? As strange as it was, it's kind of sweet to hear the girls say, "Mommy's so beautiful" And 6 years later, I can think of three things more beautiful... it started with a kiss and ended up like this... ♥
· Somedays I feel I'm living the old riddle about the "Fox, Chicken, & Grain". I'm taking JJ bowling and I'd hate to leave the A-Twins together, that's like putting the fox with the chicken. :P
· 5 months down, 10lbs. up, 15 weeks to go, and only 1 month till he's gone...
· Made it to FL in 11hrs., 4 stops, 3 Diaper Changes, and 0 Crying... a least not from me :) Thanks Marlene Davenport for driving with us! Can't wait to see my other Sister tomorrow!!
· Happy Promotion Day to my hard-working Husband! Celebrating at the squadron with Chik-Fil-A Party Trays, YUM! We love you, and we're SO proud of you = Captain = (8/10/11)
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