JJ's Birthday
School Starts
Labor Day
Big-A's Birthday
Sister's Birthday
Nephew's Birthday
Niece's Birthday
Sister's Wedding
Three Brothers-in-law Birthdays
Dad's Birthday
Godson's Birthday
Sister's Birthday
New Years...
Phewf! By the time 2011 gets here, I'll be spent!
School Starts
Labor Day
Big-A's Birthday
Sister's Birthday
Nephew's Birthday
Niece's Birthday
Sister's Wedding
Three Brothers-in-law Birthdays
Dad's Birthday
Godson's Birthday
Sister's Birthday
New Years...
Phewf! By the time 2011 gets here, I'll be spent!
But I LOVE this time of year. There are so many activities, and opportunities to make memories, continue traditions, and to really enjoy being a family. As crazy, (and sometimes expensive) as it may be, I thoroughly enjoy finding the perfect gift at a discounted price, shopping at Craft Bazaars where older ladies sell their homemade goods, and watching the girls open packages from family far away.
We went to our first Festival of the Season, Clayton's Harvest Festival. It was one of the most beautiful days, cool breeze and lots of sunshine.
We walked the streets of Clayton looking at antique cars, homemade goods, listening to music, watching Dance Groups and Tae Kwon Do demos, visiting the Noah's Ark Petting Zoo, and riding the Carnival Rides... and lastly, getting a bag of fluffy pink and blue cotton candy.
The girls loved it. The husband and I loved being outside. It was a much needed Family Day after weeks of not really connecting (due to DH's work schedule). It took us almost an hour to get there, but it was nice because the husband and I got some time to talk while the girls watched a DVD.
We stopped at CiCi's for lunch and JJ loved the Macaroni Pizza. Big-A loves pizza, too. She calls it "Pe-yop Pe-yop", not sure how that makes "Pizza" but we know what she means. Big-A loves to steal the toppings off my pizza. I get the works, and Big-A will pick off the sausage, or olives, etc. But at CiCi's, DH got a pizza with jalapenos. And before he could stop her, Big-A had a mouthful of jalapenos. Next thing you know, her eyes are watering, her tongue is hanging out of her mouth, and she's sucking down her drink. She kept saying, "Picey", which is her version of "spicy". I wish I was fast enough to have gotten this on video, but the mental image will stay with me forever. Too funny... that'll teach her not to pick off other people's toppings!
We finally arrived home, and everyone fell asleep. It was a GREAT day with the ones I love most.