Glad we spent the New Year with Family! Husband leaves again Sunday, let's hope he's back for the birth! 1/1/10
Going to eat at TGIFridays tonight because I'm not in the mood to cook... this baby is wearing me down a little more each day... ugh... Plus-side, you can't hear a baby cry in utero, and it's easier to run errands while she's still inside. :)
Husband left again today, and all J could say was, "Now I get to sleep in YOUR room! That's a good idea!" Little Booger! 1/3/10
Melts my heart! Whether they're balls-to-the-walls wrestling or squealing at each other in the backseat making funny faces, they're so happy to have each other. I ♥ J&A...
I'm too emotional these days, everything is "beautiful" and I'm loving life. The girls make me cry, the pretty sunrise behind the clouds make me cry, our new microwave makes me cry, somebody get this hormonal-estrogen-producing baby out of me!!!
"Who will help me sort the clothes?" "Not I", said the JJ. "Not I," said the Big A. "Then I shall do it myself" said the little pregnant mom as she grumbled miserably to the mess.
Eating Cheetos in bed may not be the smartest idea, but it is a very sweet feeling to have your girls sit still for awhile and just lay with you, even if they are covered in orange powder.
Just got a call from Husband. He didn't know which bathroom (Mens or Womens) to take JJ into... AWK-WARD! HAAHAHAH... poor guy!
Going with JJ on her Field Trip to T.T. Wentworth. I told Husband, and he thought they were a Tax Service. He asked if I could get our taxes done while I'm there... DORK!
JJ's new name for Big A: "Mess-Maker". Better than what she named her last month: "Stink".
Feeling Appreciative and Grateful... Food, Family, and Shelter... all three, taken for granted too often...
Had some regular contractions last Saturday night, and then nothing. It was just the "fire" I needed under my tail to get me prepared for this L&D. I keep relying on the fact that she might be overdue and I've got plenty of time! 1/18/10
MOPS taught me a forgotten lesson, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
I have a feeling this baby will be here Sunday, so her Daddy can miss the Saints in the Superbowl :)
"Dads and Doughnuts Day" at JJ's school. I wish I could have stayed and taken a photo. Husband likes to tease and say, "If you don't get a picture, it must not have happened" because I have to take pics of EVERYTHING!
Waking up to JJ and Big A is the BEST thing in the world. They're so fascinating, I pray I never forget these days...
"Girls Only Shopping Day": Got new shoes for BOTH JJ and Mommy. She got her first pair of Pink Converse Low-tops and some super cute High-tops. And now, Daddy has cut us off for the month... not because we spent too much, but because we don't need any more shoes!
Made it to her Due Date and is still pregnant. Not surprised, the first two came 5 and 8 days "late", so this one should be here Superbowl Sunday which would put her "on time" for my body. :) Every "Oven" has different settings! 1/30/10
loves how JJ comes into my bed and sleeps for an extra hour instead of dragging me out to make breakfast or play. Then we get Happy Big A out of her crib, and she's so excited to see us! Hard to have a bad day when it starts like that...
It's official, we're now the proud owners of a MiniVAN! Living the dream... LOL!
Little A, Wed. Feb. 3rd, 8 lbs. 5.8ozs. @ 1:24pm. Easy labor, no drugs, no tears, I was texting and watching TV at 8cms just waiting for the "go" to push. She had shoulder distocia, so they had to pull her by her face. She came out blue and purple, so we called her "Baby Avatar" until we named her :) 2/5/10
5 straight hours of sleep each night is a godsend for any Mom of a newborn! I love this baby more everyday! She's making life with "3 under 4" a little too easy! :)
Happy Early Birthday to my Husband! He'll be spending his day getting our van from the dealer... "Dad" birthdays aren't very fun. :(
Love the way the girls treat Little A! Big A brings her toys when she cries, and JJ lays with her and says, "Hello Pretty Girl" or "Don't cry, Little One"
8 years ago, I handed out paper Valentine's to all the guests at the restaurant where I worked. One of the waitresses told me I had missed a guest, so I ran out the door and handed it to him. We now have 3 kids, a minivan, and a framed paper Valentine. :)
Overslept and missed the Dr. Seuss Day at Target... hard to wake up when you've been up all night covered in baby poop. Changing diapers in the dark is hard...
Church tomorrow... hope I learn something as good as I did last time: "Tell me, and I might forget, Show me, and I might remember, but Involve me, and I'll understand." Especially true for 3 year olds! :)
I think I tie too many emotions/memories to material objects, for example, I saved an empty bag of M&Ms and an old Ruby Tueday server book from 7 years ago... now I know how Hoarders get started...
I bet Moms have the funniest Google History... Today mine says, "If your toddler coughs in cupcake batter, will the germs bake out?" Still haven't found an answer...
JJ smiles and asks me, "Where'd you get those shoes... the junkyard?!" I assume she was really trying to pay me a compliment because she liked my shoes.
last night when JJ was too scared to walk around the van in the dark closed garage, she asked for my keys. She was going to press the buttons that open the auto-doors so she could walk across and through the van. Sneaky sneaky...
So, JJ decided to tell me what the word "Bald" means while we stood in the checkout behind a bald guy. I ended up changing lanes...
Looking forward to the weekend already, it's the only time I get to spend with my parents and sister's family, and I miss them already. Moving is gonna suck...
I'm one of those people that "look too deep into nothing". I need to learn that if someone says they're fine... sometimes they REALLY are just... fine.
Going to get some Brunch while we wait for Nana and Pompa to come to Pensacola. JJ is SO excited about her "First Movie" tonight! 3/12/10
Daylight Savings messes up BOTH my wall clock AND internal clock... but for some reason, it doesn't affect the kids... they're all up at 6am as usual, but it's still MY 5am... ugh.
Just read Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" to JJ last night. It's a sad book when you read it as an adult... :(
Today makes 5 Years of Marriage, and we're still just as lucky as the day we met! (Maybe not "getting lucky" with all these kids around, but still feeling lucky... and extremely blessed! :)
JJ said, "Big A is sick. She has a beaver." Haha... she'll be alright, it's just a low grade "beaver". :)
I have a List of "To-Do's" that I want "To-Done"... might be awhile with all these kids!
driving home from school, JJ told me the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears... "...then Baby Bear said, Someone's been sitting in my porridge..." I just hate when someone sits on my porridge.
I had no idea kids talked this much... if JJ's awake, she talking. And as for Big A, if she's awake, she's eating. :P
Thanks to Tracy, I can ask my Pediatrician about "Torticollis". Poor Crooked-head-baby might finally have a diagnoses for her little neck!
"Husband Project" starts tomorrow... And no, it's not a course on how to make him do the dishes with out being asked! ;)
I realized how selfish I was before I had kids. I sacrficed nothing, and put my needs first. Children have a way of showing you that life is bigger than just yourself.
Went to the Zoo, got spit on the head by a Llama, smells like poop, Big A licked a goat, JJ wiped spit in hair after feeding animals (and Big A ate some feed, too). Fun Day...
I have no motivation to pack and take all of this stuff with me to Goldsboro. Feel free to come over the next two weeks and play "Dollar General" at our house!
JJ jumps off the couch, lands on the ground, and says, "I need Pixie Dust."
When I was pregnant with Big A, I didn't think I could love another kid as much as JJ. Same for when I was pregnant with Little A. But now I am SO beyond in love with each one, that I finally believe my mom was telling the truth when she said she has "no favorite".
For some reason I'll bawl my eyes out during a sappy movie, but can't shed a tear when things really matter. So, if ever we're having an emotional moment, please know that my lack of tears isn't because I don't care, but because I care too much.
Husband leaves Monday, me and the girls will leave a week later. Till then, it's a party every day at Nana's in Niceville! Or maybe "circus" is more appropriate...
Just realized I've been calling my canker sore, a "cold sore". I was wondering why people looked at me funny when I said it was on my tongue... "What have you been licking???"
Movers dropped off our stuff, hope it's all there. I'm sure Husband wouldn't mind if some of it got lost, like the girls' toys and my millions of shoes.
Arrived late Tuesday night, unpacked all day Wednesday, and off to WalMart today to get groceries for our empty fridge! Will post house photos soon, our backyard is a forest!
I really miss my sister, but luckily I have two! :) Sad to leave one, but excited to see the other!
I love my Mom. I love my Sister. I love the Mommy Friends I've made. Hope you all had a memorable day with the ones who made you a Mom in the first place! :)
I love my Mom. I love my Sister. I love the Mommy Friends I've made. Hope you all had a memorable day with the ones who made you a Mom in the first place! :)
First Day with out my mom here... so far, no one's put a key in the socket or licked a dog, so... we're good! (Yes, those things happened last week) 5/11/10
Had a GREAT day with the new Moms Group! Just because I'm a Stay-at-Home, doesn't mean I have to "stay at home" :)
I sneezed, and Big A says, "You Ok?" I blow my nose, and she says, "Nose?" Then she looks at my tissue and says, "Ewwwww"... She was so caring at first :/
I used to think feeding a baby round the clock was exhausting. Then I realized my toddler and preschooler's 3 meals (plus snacks) is WAY more work. At least, I get to sit down when I feed the baby! Phewf!
Today Big A has called 911, dragged tissue through the house that came out of JJ's unflushed toilet, and poured a bag of cereal all over the floor, then danced on it. She truly is the work of all three kids combined!
Big A sat next to JJ. JJ got up and moved her chair away. Then she looks at me and says, "Now don't move her chair closer!" Poor Old News Big A. :(
Ok... I don't know how I got sucked in, but I find myself ebay'ing Silly Bandz, Rubba Bandz, and Stretchy Shapes. I'm addicted, and I blame my nephew. ;) And JJ could care less if she has certain shapes. But ME? I care! She "needs" the tie-dye, the glitter, AND the diva set!!!
All the babies are asleep, including the biggest baby of all, "Strep Throat Daddy"! Time to watch my DVR shows and learn how to cook something other than Spongebob Macaroni!
Click "Like" if you've ever had a day like mine... This means YOU, Kelly Jones! LOL! (see comment below)
4:30am Baby wakes up for her feeding. Burp her, change her, too tired to go back to bed. Fall asleep on floor.
4:30am Baby wakes up for her feeding. Burp her, change her, too tired to go back to bed. Fall asleep on floor.
5:00am Realize I’m on the floor, crawl back to bed.
6:00am DH’s alarm goes off, of course he hits snooze.
6:15am Alarm, again. Snoo...ze again. Ugh.
7:00am Finally, fall back asleep. Then Preschooler comes in demanding doughnuts for breakfast.
7:30am Make pancakes instead of doughnuts, hear Toddler yelling at us.
8:00am Get Toddler out of crib, realize her diaper has been flooded, need to wash everything in her crib.8:15am Start the laundry. Open Washer to see soured clothes from yesterday. Open dryer to see wrinkled clothes from… who knows when.
8:30am Realize, I’ve burned breakfast. Pour cereal instead.
9:00am Get myself ready for playdate, about to get in shower, Baby starts crying. Skip shower… again.
9:30am Finish nursing, changing, and burping Baby. Should have left 15 minutes ago for our playdate. Leave now.
9:35am Hit EVERY red light. No joke. No exaggeration. Every red was for me. And TomTom is a DumDum. It took me the “scenic route”. And by “scenic”, I mean “no one will hear you scream”.
9:45am Arrive at playdate. Baby cries the whole time. Toddler tries to kill herself on playground. Preschooler has to pee every 10 minutes.
11:30am Head home. Get text from DH. He’s got Strep. Great.
12:00pm Get home. Wrestle Toddler to take her Ear Infection meds. She spits them out. Try again, had to sit on her.
12:30pm Re-heat leftover Noodle Soup for lunch. No one eats it, but I know they touched it since they have noodles in their hair.
12:45pm Realize I left the Baby in her carseat. (Not in the van, just in the carseat in the house, no need to call DCF) She’s asleep still because she used up all her crying at the playdate.
1:00pm Wash dishes. Cancel that. Forgot about the laundry.
1:15pm Walk all over house in search of any missed dirty laundry. Discover Preschooler peed the bed last night and failed to tell me. Clean that mess.
1:30pm Put Toddler and Preschooler down for nap.
1:45pm Doorbell rings (Murphy’s Law says a loud noise must occur shortly after children are put to bed)
2:00pm Preschooler says she’s done napping. Mommy says she’s not.2:15pm Realize I forgot the laundry again. Realize I also forgot the Baby in the carseat again.2:30pm Finally, sit down for some “me-time”.
2:45pm Baby wakes up for feeding, changing, and burping.
3:15pm Preschooler done napping, wants to play games.
4:00pm Toddler wakes up (thank goodness, I was on game 10 of Candy Land) Find out her diaper leaked again… this time it’s poop. Clean that mess.
5:00pm Get dinner ready. Cancel that. Dishwasher Repairman arrives. Lock kids in Toy Room, put Baby in back room.
5:30pm Upload photos and video on Facebook so the grandparents can see.
5:45pm Realize the upload failed and have to start all over again. Thanks Facebook.
6:00pm Repairman leaves. Start dinner. Realize, I’m missing a few key ingredients… like meat.
6:15pm Completely forgot about Baby. Again. Check, she’s fine.
6:30pm Heat a frozen pizza. No one eats that, either. But it was a great specimen for dissecting.
7:00pm Clean up dinner table. Forgot Baby, again. Check, she’s fine. Baths for everyone… except the one who needs it most… me!
7:30pm Storytime, “Talk about our day” time, and prayers.
8:00pm Squeeze Toddler’s fat-rolls as I lay her in her crib. Praise Preschooler for all her “Big Sis” help today. Give Baby rash on cheeks from the millions of goodnight kisses.
8:30pm Walk around house, picking up toys, crumbs, sippy cups, etc.
9:00pm Finally, lay in bed. Cancel that. Forgot about the laundry. Again. 5/26/10
Excited about the Asian-Pacific Event on Base tonight. I'm a rare breed around here... :)
It's "Cupcakes for No Reason other than to Eat Them" Day at out house! Rainbow Chip Frosting on Rainbow Chip Cake, YUM! Then, Pizza Party tonight with some fellow Military families :) It's a great day for junk food!
I've cut back on buying "junk snacks" since we moved. So, JJ tells me today, "I liked our pantry in our old house better..." :/
From-scratch Chicken Nuggets, JJ said they were a "thumbs up", so maybe I can stop buying the nasty "rib meat" nuggets. Thanks, Jamie Oliver, for showing me how they're really processed... GROSS!
Got to hold my sleeping baby for an hour, uninterrupted, while the older two napped. Felt like time stopped for that one hour... :)
A new and exciting week ahead: Meet new moms, MOPS Meeting, Spouses Dinner, Splash Pad, MNO, Jumpy House, Storytime... so much to see and do in our new town!
BEST DAY EVER! MOPs was so much fun, for ALL of us! Moms played "I like my neighbor", JJ played "Doggy Doggy, where's your bone", and I got to sneak in and hear Big A singing with the other Moppets. SO cute!!! Wish I had a video camera!
Beware the dried booger disguised as a Fruity Pebble... won't make that mistake again. :^P
Slept in till 9am, thanks to my Husband! He did all the things I normally do, so I didn't have to get up, and he's watching all 3 tonight so I can have dinner with my new friends! His momma done raised him right... hahahah... :)
I absolutely LOVE the Huggies Jeans commercial, HILARIOUS! I just wish it was a cloth diaper instead. Maybe more people would use cloth if they knew how cool they could look nowadays :)
JJ's first movie in theaters was "Alice in Wonderland", and we recently have been watching the DVD every night. So, now, when she calls Big A, she claps and says, "Fat Boys, Fat Boys!!!"
If you don't eat your dinner, you don't get dessert... why is this so hard for toddlers to understand? We had a Category 5 Tantrum on our kitchen floor... I'm amazed the house is still standing. 6/7/10
Got selected to host my FIRST House Party! Thank Mel, for the hookup! :) House Party selects random members to promote products, and you get a ton of free stuff! I'm excited because you don't have to pay for anything! And I'm hosting a Febreze Party, thank goodness, cause these kids can make a big stink!
When my husband isn't here, I feel lucky to have my girls to keep me company. It's so nice to have one tucked under my arm, one head in my lap, and one holding my hand :) :) :)
It's hard to get through a day with out worrying about something... :/ Life would be easier if I just didn't care, but fortunately, I do.
What a workout it can be to take out the Britax, undo the straps, wash and dry it, put it back on, then realize you threaded the wrong hole straps, try to re-strap it with that dumb piece in the back that keeps dropping into the hole, finally get the cover on properly, then lug it back into the van... and then do it again with the other seat.
My poor girls inheireted my severe reactions to bug bites. Big A looks like a burn victim all covered in bandages, and JJ's foot is swollen from an ant bite :(
Grocery shopping, Picture Getting, Pottery Painting, Closet Purging, Item Returning, Dinner Making, Meal Delivering, Spouse Orientating Day... hope the girls can keep up! :)
The girls finally broke me in a public place. Sure... I've cried plenty at home... but never in public. I think the owner thought I was having a nervous breakdown... but I just sat and cried with the girls, and we're all better now :) It was pretty therapeutic... 6/17/10
Praying for my Sister in Labor :) She has two boys, and they're finally getting their Girl! Wish I could be there... :(
Current shoe count is at 150, and climbing... I unloaded a ton in Pensacola, but apparently... it didn't even make a dent...
I hate when I think he's got the girls, and he thinks I've got the girls, and really, NO ONE has the girls, and they're running a muck in a store full of breakables... Sorry Snacko Stuff Store :(
I look out the window and see JJ with the Bubble Blowing Gun pointed at Big A and yelling, "Who killed my Jabberwocky?!?!" Well, I don't think it was your Fat Boy, JJ...
Today, JJ has been hilarious. First she acts like the Red Queen, then reminds me to take my birth control. When we scold her for playing at the table and tell her Mommy and Daddy don't act like that, she says, "You did when you were my age", and then she tells Little A, "You smell like Cherry Pie!" She truly is 3 going on 30...
Storytime tomorrow, Baby Shower Wednestday, J's First Dance Class, Thurday is painting shirts for 4th of July, and hopefully Splash Pad on Friday... another week of fun!
JJ LOVED her first night of Kinderdance! She calls it "Ballet School" and can't wait to go back. She locked her eyes on the teacher, and kept trying to do as she did. I'm so proud of her and I'm glad this is something she enjoyed so much! :)
Good luck to my Husband on his first test tomorrow! He's studied all day, and with 3 small kids, that's pretty hard to do!
ISO Babysitter: Anyone have a reccomendation for a sitter watch my almost 2 & almost 4 year old girls next Tues. evening? I know Good Babysitter Info is like Mommy Gold, but please share the wealth if you know of a good one :)
Missed out on the Lowe's Build and Grow because Daddy is helping a friend, and there's NO way I'm taking all three by myself to a store full of dangerous things! :(
Princess Camp this week... Never thought I'd let my girl be SO girly! Before I had kids, I swore they'd never be into "Princess" stuff... YUCK... oh, the tangled web we weave...
I'm really close to my sisters, and never saw the need for a close friend... but now, I'm thinking I just might need one. Making BFFs was so much easier when we were kids... share your PB&J, and poof, besties for life. :)
Awesome Fireworks! JJ and Daddy watched from their chairs, while A-Twins and I watched from the van. It helped muffle the booms, and Big A called out each color of the burst. Plus, can't beat $1 SnoCones and 2 for $1 Glow Sticks!
I feel like it's been awhile since we've had Daddy around, so we're going to get our fix before another long week starts. By the time we're done with him, he'll be begging to go back to work! :P
We really need a dog... we won't get one... but we need one. Never seen a kid so happy than Big A with animals. :)
Little A has decided that no one in this house needs sleep... including herself. Gonna be a rough day, but gotta make the most of Daddy's extra holiday... off we go into the wild blue yonder...
I cannot stand how little signal I get on my phone when I'm in this house!!! Dropped calls drive me NUTS!!!
Nothing like putting Rainbow Chip frosting on already un-healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies, then rolling them in sprinkles, just to guarantee their junk-food factor... Happy Wife = Happy Life... and apparently super happy kids. 7/6/10
It's a real blessing when you meet someone new, who understands why your toddler is covered in red marker and why you're still in PJ's at noon. Here's to the Understanding Friends!
Dinner with Daddy and luckily a sleeping baby, then a Movie with my girls... I got to go on dates with all my favorite people!
Thank you rumbling thunder for being just loud enough to make it a rough night. As if the baby wasn't enough to keep me awake at night...
Having a midnight party with the baby... woo-hoo... the party never stops! 7/10/10
I just realized that Chik-fil-A Lemonade, Sonic Sparkling Lemonade, and Luigi's Lemon Ice can all make my bad days better because they remind me of the Lemon Popsicle I ate in the hospital right before JJ was born. All this time, I just thought I REALLY liked lemonade...
Why does my video upload stop at 8 minutes left... after 45 minutes of waiting... If you see me logged on, it's because I'm trying to upload a 50 second video for the 13th time! Grr...
Why does my Preschooler keep drawing pictures of our family, and always "forgets" to draw in my Toddler??? Poor old-news-Big A... :(
Husband and I have been partying since 4am, thanks Little A... you're not my favorite.
Hooray, Hooray for a Nothing Day... we're gonna stay home and play "school", just like my mom did with me and my sisters. We'll have "Color of the Day" and a craft... party like it's 1989! :) Love ya "Nana"!
Raising the White Flag... You've tortured me these past few months, keeping me in the cold & dark, I've fulfilled all your demands. You've broken me. I surrender. NOW COULD YOU PLEASE SLEEP FOR MORE THAN 2 HOURS AT A TIME!?!?!! Thanks Baby Allie... and you're still not my favorite.
If I had a dime for every hour of sleep I get a day, I'd have enough to buy three twenty-cent stamps. But not at the same time. I'd get to buy the first stamp. Then weakly stand in line again. Buy the second. Get back in line, and try not to fall over. Buy the third. Then stand in line again... while everyone around asks if they can cut in front of me. Sooooo T-I-R-E-D...
How do I go from Hodge Podge to Pottery Barn? Then again, no use in having nice things till the kids are older... have you seen our furniture?!? The dining table doubles as the art table, and the couches have been known to be trampolines and the occassional snack-trap.
JJ went on a Date with her Daddy! She wore her brand new dress that she picked out from our shopping day, painted her nails, and had me braid her hair. She wanted to look nice because I always get dressed up whenever I go out with Daddy, and she wanted to look nice, too. :)
Grateful that I've met some really amazing people who make living in Goldsboro pretty wonderful... "Grow where you are planted" :) 7/27/10
I ♥ Leg Warmers on Baby Girls... and by "baby", I include my 4 year old :)
Christmas in July... I think I'm done shopping for the girls already! 8/1/10
I went jogging for the first time in... I have NO idea... 6am, 64' weather, and ALL ALONE!!! That's my new Me-Time...
I am SO tired. I can only go so many months of waking at 2am, 4am, 6am, then 8am for the day, non-stop till 2pm naps, and even then, I have to catch up on housework, kids up at 4pm, dinner by 6pm, bedtime at 8pm, finally talk to the husband till 9pm, then baby asleep at 10pm. Four hours of sleep is NOT enough... ZzZzZzz
Little A slept from 10am-8am, and only woke up ONCE!!! Hope this sticks because I was really close to putting her in my online yard sale album! :) 8/8/10
When my 4 year old says someone is "big", she doesn't mean "weight", she means "older". I imagine most four year olds mean it in that context, so I don't think it's fair to tell her it's not nice to say when she doesn't mean it that way. (Motherbear Protection: ON)
Watched Toy Story 3 with my JJ. I didn't cry on the parts I thought I would, and bawled on parts that I didn't expect, LOL! Good movie, but a little scary for a "G" Rating. 8/9/10
It's been one of those mornings, and I go towards the front door to threaten JJ with a whoopin' if she doesn't straighten up. As she pleads her defense I realize, she's staring at a man on the front porch. It's the gutter guy, and he was lucky enough to hear my wonderful mothering and catch me in my PJs... grrr...
Bittersweet: Getting to stay at home, because my husband never is.
My idea of a great "Workout": Running around with the girls to the "5 Days Old" song, ten times in a row... good times :)
Jaelyn's foot fell asleep, so she says, "Maybe if I put my leg in the sun it will think it's wake up time"... Apparently, it worked, hahaha...
Busy Day, lots of errands. To bad they don't have "Drive-Through Post Office Services" and "Drive-Through I only need ONE item, please don't make me bring out the double stroller and all 3 kids, including a napping baby in that tiny store Services"
I wish I could relax and talk with other moms, uninterrupted, and then... Big A goes falling backwards off the bleachers, JJ is dancing on broken glass, and Little A is starving, again... So, if I didn't get a chance to talk with you today, I'm a great friend when you get to know me... it might just take awhile :)
It's SO refreshing when you're surrounded by people who encourage and inspire. But the best are those who are unaware of it, and are just naturally comforting. Thanks KAS :)
Planning JJ's 4th Birthday Party. I wish it were a "family style" party, but she said she wants a "Girls Only" Party... and I'm not even sure that includes her own sister??
On Aug. 21st 2006, we had our first baby. Three days later, we named her JJ*, and four years later, she tells me she's changed it. So, Happy 4th Birthday "Stacey"! We love you tons!
Had my version of the "WSO Walk of Shame" today. Helped prep for a Baby Shower, and didn't even get to stay for it. :( Karma for laughing at the husband when he had his "walk" last week.
JJ comes in and says in one breath, "If Daddy loses his job we have to sleep in the streets". When I ask him about it, he says, "I had to study and she kept coming in the room... what... too much?" Good Job there, Daddy... >:[
When the dishwasher explodes bubbles all over the kitchen, do not be discouraged. Consider it an opportunity to multi-task, by washing not only the dishes, but the floors... and perhaps the kids, too. (Thank goodness I switched to a Natural Detergent, bc the girls jumped right in!)
Big A went Pee-Pee on the Potty... literally. She peed on top of the potty, but forgot to open the lid :/ That's my girl...
Off to botch another batch of cookies! I literally have an photo album of my failed attempts at baking... thank goodness for kids who will eat anything as long as it's called a cookie :)
A man came to the door... I answered... and then he said, "Is your Mom or Dad home?" REALLY?? I know I should be flattered, but... REALLY??? Husband thought it was hilarious... so I called him a pedophile.
JJ's snowglobe shattered, and she cried so hard, it broke my heart. Then she asked while sniffling, "Can we go to a special place and get one with hearts because I love Daddy so much?" :(
Thought the husband was out with the guys... I was starting to get mad. Turns out, he was at work, and he's still not home. :/ Good thing I didn't lock the deadbolts out of anger! Hope everyone has a great non-assuming weekend :)
Had a rough "Mom Morning", but while I was at church, the husband had knocked out the dishes, laundry, floors (under sofas, too!), vacuuming, put Big A in the bath, entertained the baby, and fired up the grill and cooked us all lunch. I don't brag about him often, but today he really knew what I needed to keep my sanity :)
I'm going to have to plant a million trees to make up for all the artwork my girls draw per day... :/
Two years ago, we became a "Party of Four"... and the party hasn't stopped since! Happy Birthday my squishy, crazy, makes-me-laugh-just-looking-at-ya, Fat Bottom!
Praying the nights of 2-4-6am awakenings have finally come to an end. Two nights in a row Little A slept from 10pm to 8am! Knocking on wood, so I don't jinx tonight! It's been a LONG 7 months!
Joined a great Bible Study, got a full night's sleep, celebrating Big A's 2nd, and family time at the Harvest Festival! Life is Good, God is Good. Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
Hurry home Daddy, we've got a Birthday Cake to eat!!! There are two eager children here who will go ba-na-nas if they have to wait any longer!!!
Service on "excuses" was inspiring, and applies to more than just money. Allie is sleeping well now, and I have no excuse to be tired or lazy. "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." ~ Proverbs 13:4
Wish my husband loved country music as much as I do... car trips would be more fun... "I'm an Indian Outlaw, half Cherokee and Choctaw, my baby she's a Chippewa, she's one of kind..." How can you NOT love singing that?!?
Happened to catch today's Oprah, and it's heartbreaking. I'm beyond passionate and I cannot understand why it's not a top priority for some communities, let alone, our government. Whitney was right... "I believe that children are our future”
Attempting to make Lumpia tonight... for those who don't know me very well, I'm not exactly your typical Island Girl... so this is a challenge for me... :)
JJ woke up so excited and said, "IT'S FALL! You know how I know? Because the leaves fall'd on the ground!" That would be the worst joke ever if it wasn't from a 4 year old. :)
Looking forward to the Accessory Swap, hopefully I can leave the baby at home... however she is a pretty cute "accessory" to have on my arm ;)
12 toys I've stepped on, 11 that I Gunney Bagged, 10 days till Florida, 9 hours till Daddy comes home, 8 rounds of Row your Boat, 7 Days till Payday, 6 Birthday gifts to buy, FIVE-LOADS-OF-LAUNDRY!!!! 4 Spiders killed, 3 Screaming Children, 2 Runny Noses, and a Mommy who could use a break... TGIF!
If you look closely, you'll see Big A has something written on her chest. I asked JJ if she did it, and she said, "I had to write my name on her, because she's mine" Not sure if that's because she loves her little sister, or because she thinks she "owns" her...
"Who loves broccoli, who loves broccoli? You love broccoli, you love broccoli... Ah, Ah, you love...::kids throw broccoli::" That Target Commercial always makes me laugh :)
The girls are feeling better, and now I'm feeling worse. Couldn't even roll out of bed for church. Why can't we all be healthy at the same time??? I hate the Germ-Go-Round game... :(
Why does the smell of "kid-barf" linger, long after you've cleaned it? I bleached everything, linens are washing, I even soaked Big A in a bubble bath for 30min. and she's still "eau de vomit". Poor Little Stink... 9/26/10
"Doughnuts with Dad" at JJ's Preschool today, but Daddy had to work... we don't want to end up on the streets, right? (referring to my post on 8/22) :)
I know I don't have it as hard as some, and people may say, "it could be worse". But aren't my "bad days" bad enough? Why should I have to wait for "worse" when what I'm doing now is enough. I'll always say it... Motherhood ain't for sissies...
Do I have "Doormat" written on my forehead? Because lately, I feel like one.
Drop off J, setup Garage Sale, get milk, Pick up J, make lunch, make cream pies, naps for kids, pack for Florida, get kids ready, go to First Friday, say goodbye to husband and kids and hello to
MNO at Starbucks... (for all of my "have-to-do's" today, I thought I should squeeze in a "want-to-do")
Florida Bound: 6am Sunday! Pray for me, as I drive 14 hours with 3 kids! I'm sure I'll have some funny stories to tell after these next two weeks! :)
Made it safely to FL, only stopped twice to nurse, no one cried, (not even me)! Thanks for the well wishes :)
I ♥ Florida. I forgot how nice it is to drive anywhere and always see the ocean.
Riding Granny M's horse, going to the Pumpkin Patch, seeing all my family and finally Gator-on-a-stick at the Mullet Festival... I've missed my little ole' hometown of Niceville :(
Just bought a month's worth of groceries. Apparently, while we were in FL, my husband managed to live off of Mt. Dew and frozen pizza. :P
Something so intoxicating about the smell of your own child. I could inhale their sweet little heads all day long... (I guess I should clarify, it's only good when not clouded by a poopie diaper)
Babies are squishy... even after 2 years... I ♥ squishy babies! :)
SO excited to volunteer at J's Preschool and be a part of their "Ark Festival". Thanks to Kelly for watching Big A. There will be enough "animals" already. :)
Attempting to make a "Jellyfish" Costume for my Jell-O Baby A. She's such a wobbly baby, I always tease and say she has no spine :P
I give up on "Baby A the Jellyfish". She will now be "Baby A the not-so-creative-Jack-O-Lantern" for Halloween. :P
Gathering my items to Yard Sale... I should just make my signs say, "Pink Sale" because I have so much Baby Girl stuff :/
I hope tonight is better than last, I got about 2 hours of sleep, and it wasn't because of the baby... Big-A-Bin-Laden strikes again!
What I learned at MOPS today: 1) Recognize teachable moments, I can't teach them everything in a day, 2) If it's not working, start over, build a better foundation so it doesn't crash later, and lastly, 3) Like my children, I have a lot to learn.
Watched “Small One” with the girls. Tried to explain why he was selling the donkey for food. Then, JJ asks, “Why doesn’t he just go to Wal-Mart and get food?”
Yesterday, JJ “washed” the dishes because Daddy was still gone and she said, “you can’t do it all by yourself”. Then this morning I hear Jaelyn whisper, “C’mon A, lets go play,
Mommy’s still sleeping”. Shocked and Appreciative!
I feel lucky that at any moment I can scoop up one of my kids and give them a big squeezy hug. Everyone should experience that luxury, it does great things for the soul.
Yard-Sale-Fail. JJ watches the people look at our stuff and keep walking, then says, “Mom, nobody wants your stuff.”
Just got $85 worth of clothes for $10 at Old Navy!
Ever watch your kids from afar and observe? I watched Little A try to grasp a ball on the hardwood (kept rolling away), watched Big A try to reach a marker on top of the easel, watched JJ pretend the shower was a cave with a magic door. Fascinating stuff!
I finally got time away from the kids, and what do I do… rent “Babies” from the Redbox. Husband says there’s something wrong with me.
It was a long night, but worth the wait! We got our #1 pick GOLDSBORO!
November was awesome, but December will be better… Craft Fair, Christmas Parties, Neuse River lights, First Birthday Party, ICE! Maryland, Museums in DC, and best of all my husband will have time off!
Attempting to make my first Thanksgiving meal, ever. Frozen Pizza is on standby. Thanks to all the family who have made this meal the last 25 years so I didn’t have to.
Put up our tree, hung our ornaments, plugged the lights in, and then… it fell down. Thanks Big A.
JJ asked, “When I grow up and be a Mommy, will you stay with me?” My mouth said, “I can’t, who will stay with Daddy?” But my heart said, “OF COURSE! I THOUGHT YOU’D NEVER ASK??! LET ME GET THAT IN WRITING!” It will be a sad day when all my girls are out of our home.
Somedays I’d rather be pooped on, literally, instead of metaphorically. The literal stuff can always be cleaned off, (I’m used to that). It’s the feeling after having a craptastic day that linger much longer.
I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help but enjoy it when my kids aren’t feeling good because they’re so snuggly. Little A sat in my lap, awake, for an hour cuddling.
They say kids won’t remember how clean the house was, but rather how much time you spent with them. I think I took that saying a little too literally this week because the house is a MESS!!
JJ asked, “How come you didn’t deck your walls?”
I’m done with these Status Update Trends. No more Bra Color, Where I leave my Purse, Cartoon Photos, etc. From now on it’s “What I cooked for Dinner” and “How many times I got pooped on today”
Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?
The only thing worse than a diaper blowout is a diaper blowout on a crawling baby… total snail trail. Beyond disgusted.
So excited to see JJ’s Christmas Program. She’s been practicing Away in a Manger all week. Hope Daddy’s home in time to watch!
Guess which one of my kids thought it would be funny to use a used tampon applicator as a whistle?
Made it back to NC safely, came home to a house with no heat. Apparently, the old system was leaking (CO) and the owners have to buy/install a new one.
Since we’re all confined to my bedroom the girls have gotten cabin fever and have decided to try on all my bras. They think it’s hilarious, and actually, it is.
JJ gave her teacher a Christmas gift. Today we got a thank-you card. Not even a minute later JJ brings me her handmade “you’re welcome” card.
Wrapped presents with my girls. Big A practiced her scissor skills and made confetti everywhere. JJ wrapped her toothpaste. Not sure who she plans on giving that to??
Sad to miss out on all the snow, but pales in how happy I am to be with my family in FL! (foot of snow the day after we left for FL)
Anyone else have a 4yo. diva daughter who is ALREADY having tantrums over what she can OR can't wear??? They're JUST clothes?!? After the battle, we ended up being 15min. late to Preschool. >:[ Grrr…
Finally finished putting Christmas in the attic, only to look in the corner and see I forgot the ornaments on my fake palm tree. Tempted to just leave 'em there... :)
JJ's Show & Tell tomorrow is "Something you got for Christmas". She plans on bringing her pink "You-ka-lay-hee", aka Ukulele. I'll be sad if the teacher fixes her pronunciation :(
I asked JJ if she understood why there are some movies she can't watch. She said, "Because they teach me bad things to say". After thinking about it, she said, "I'm allergic to bad movies". :)
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